When arranging insurance, many people take shortcuts without seeking proper advice, not understanding the fine print or considering whether they are getting value for money. Often they are disappointed when their insurance doesn't come to the rescue.
An insurance broker knows the types of covers needed and where to find them. This can save you time, money and worry. If you would prefer to talk to a broker first, please call 1300 881 779
There are two big advantages if you talk to one of our brokers first:
Automated rating systems used by online brokers only deal with a small group of insurers, whereas our access to the whole market (over 20 insurers), will usually result in better cover and more competitive premium
Our brokers will ask you about your business and will get quotes based on your exact activities. We will make sure that the cover provided is right for you and not contain unwanted exclusions.
For an indication quote over the phone,
or select your occupation from the list below:
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